2024年09月01日:扮成土星的月亮-(The Moon Dressed Like Saturn)

2024年09月01日:扮成土星的月亮-(The Moon Dressed Like Saturn)

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2024年09月01日:扮成土星的月亮-(The Moon Dressed Like Saturn)
2024年09月01日:扮成土星的月亮-(The Moon Dressed Like Saturn)--原图下载

Image Credit & Copyright: Francisco Sojuel
说明: 为什么土星看起来那么大? 没这回事,我们所见到的,其实是月亮的前方有地球的云飘过。这轮明月其实是仅存一抹银白的残月,其余的大部分月面,则因为是受到名为达文西灰光地球反照光之照耀而变得清晰可见。受太阳 光直接照耀的月盘是在下缘,这也意味着太阳必然在地平线下方,故这幅影像是摄于日出之前。这张令人犹豫的照片,摄于2019年12月24日,亦即在月亮行进到太阳前方,造成日食的前二天。在影像前景里,庞然的帕卡亚火山后方,有来自瓜地马拉数个小城镇的灯火。


Image Credit & Copyright: Francisco Sojuel
Explanation: Why does Saturn appear so big?It doesn't -- what is pictured are foreground clouds on Earth crossing in front of the Moon.The Moon shows a slight crescent phase with most of its surface visible by reflected Earthlight, known as Da Vinci glow.The Sun directly illuminates the brightly lit lunar crescent from the bottom, which means that the Sun must be below the horizon and so the image was taken before sunrise. This double take-inducing picture was captured on 2019 December 24, two days before the Moon slid in front of the Sun to create a solar eclipse.In the foreground, lights from small Guatemalan towns are visible behind the huge volcano Pacaya.


