2024年12月10日:1833年大流星暴-(The Great Meteor Storm of 1833)

2024年12月10日:1833年大流星暴-(The Great Meteor Storm of 1833)

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2024年12月10日:1833年大流星暴-(The Great Meteor Storm of 1833)
2024年12月10日:1833年大流星暴-(The Great Meteor Storm of 1833)--原图下载

Image Credit: Engraving: Adolf Vollmy; Original Art: Karl Jauslin
说明: 那是个有10万颗流星洒落的夜晚。1833年的大流星暴,或许是近代最壮观的流星事件之一。那年11月13日的清晨时分,在北美洲东部的这片最佳观测地区里,许多被惊醒的人们,目睹了这例突然涌现在夜空中的流星雨,其中包括当年还很年轻的亚伯拉罕·林肯。当时数十万颗划过天际的流星,看似从狮子座中倾泻而出。 这张主题影像所数位複製的木刻版画,就是基于第一手目睹者亲绘的画作。我们如今知道,1833年的这场壮观流星暴,源自地球穿过坦普-塔托彗星释出的尘埃流密集区。在每年11月,当地球穿过这道尘埃流时,都会形成狮子流星雨。 在本星期稍晚,透过观赏年度的双子流星雨,你或许能稍稍感受到1833年流星暴震憾程度的余韵。


Image Credit: Engraving: Adolf Vollmy; Original Art: Karl Jauslin
Explanation: It was a night of 100,000 meteors. The Great Meteor Storm of 1833 was perhaps the most impressive meteor event in recent history. Best visible over eastern North America during the pre-dawn hours of November 13, many people -- including a young Abraham Lincoln -- were woken up to see the sky erupt in streaks and flashes.Hundreds of thousands of meteors blazed across the sky, seemingly pouring out of the constellation of the Lion (Leo). The featured image is a digitization of a wood engraving which itself was based on a painting from a first-person account.We know today that the Great Meteor Storm of 1833 was caused by the Earth moving through a dense part of the dust trail expelled from Comet Tempel-Tuttle.The Earth moves through this dust stream every November during the Leonid meteor shower.Later this week you might get a slight taste of the intensity of that 1833 meteor storm by witnessing the annual Geminid meteor shower.


