2018年08月27日:汽球上见到的日全食影子-(Total Solar Eclipse Shadow from a Balloon)

2018年08月27日:汽球上见到的日全食影子-(Total Solar Eclipse Shadow from a Balloon)

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2018年08月27日:汽球上见到的日全食影子-(Total Solar Eclipse Shadow from a Balloon)
2018年08月27日:汽球上见到的日全食影子-(Total Solar Eclipse Shadow from a Balloon)--原图下载

Image Credit: Kuaray Project, NASA Eclipse Ballooning Project, Brasilia Astronomy Club, Montana State U.
说明: 2017年美国大日食期间,你人在何处?离上星期的一年前,北美洲有超过1亿人走出户外,去观赏日偏食 ,而在同一期间里,有超过1千万位在美国各地的人们,见到了太阳完全消失在月盘后头的日全食。据估据,有百分之八十八的美国成年人,要么直接要么透过转播见到此次日食。此次日食,是人类历史上有最多影像记录的事件之一,日食影像 的摄影平台涵盖一些颇不寻常的地点,甚至包括飘流在地球平流层里的汽球。这批总数约50颗的汽球,是美国航太总署日食探空汽球计画的一部分。上面的主题照片,是由从爱达荷州释放的无人汽球上拍摄的360环景影片的一个定格,参与汽球释放者包括巴西学生美国航太总署蒙大拿州立大学的人员。在影像里,可见到月球的影子 掠过下方的大地。虽然全阶段持续不到3分钟,但许多亲眼目睹者 ,可能会终生难忘。许多北美洲的居民在2024年,有机会再次见到日全食


Image Credit: Kuaray Project, NASA Eclipse Ballooning Project, Brasilia Astronomy Club, Montana State U.
Explanation: Where were you during the Great American Eclipse of 2017? A year ago last week, over 100 million of people in North America went outside to see a partial eclipse of the Sun, while over ten million drove across part of the USA to see the Sun completely disappear behind the Moon -- a total solar eclipse.An estimated 88 percent of American adults saw the eclipse either personally or electronically.One of the better photographed events in human history, images from the eclipse included some unusual vistas, such as from balloons floating in the Earth's stratosphere.About fifty such robotic balloons were launched as part of NASA's Eclipse Ballooning project.Featured is a frame taken from a 360-degree panoramic video captured by one such balloon set aloft in Idaho by students from Brazil in conjunction with NASA and Montana State University.Pictured, the dark shadow of the Moon was seen crossing the Earth below. Although the total eclipse lasted less than three minutes, many who saw it may remember it for a lifetime.Many North Americans will get a another chance to experience a total solar eclipse in 2024.


