2018年06月05日:複杂的木星-(Complex Jupiter)

2018年06月05日:複杂的木星-(Complex Jupiter)

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2018年06月05日:複杂的木星-(Complex Jupiter)
2018年06月05日:複杂的木星-(Complex Jupiter)--原图下载

Image Credit: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; Composition: David Marriott
说明: 木星能有多複杂呢?美国航太总署的木星朱诺号任务发现,木星的複杂度超出预期。科学家发现木星的磁场,相较于地球单纯的偶极磁场有很大的差异,除了拥有多个嵌在複杂缠绕磁场里的磁极之外,磁场纠缠的程度北半球更甚于南半场。此外,朱诺号的无线电波量测证实,木星的大气结构远深入上方云层之下,甚至深入达数百公里之多。木星刚发现的複杂性可在南半球的云层上清楚见到,如这张主题影像所示。在影像里,赤道区主宰性的环行星云区和云带,转变成由洲陆大小的涡漩状风暴系统聚合成的複杂云系朱诺号持续在高度椭圆的轨道上运行,每53天近距离掠过这颗巨行星一次,每次探索一个稍微不同的区块。


Image Credit: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; Composition: David Marriott
Explanation: How complex is Jupiter?NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter is finding the Jovian giant to be more complicated than expected.Jupiter's magnetic field has been discovered to be much different from our Earth's simple dipole field, showing several poles embedded in a complicated network more convoluted in the north than the south.Further, Juno's radio measurements show that Jupiter's atmosphere shows structure well below the upper cloud deck -- even hundreds of kilometers deep.Jupiter's newfound complexity is evident also in southern clouds, as shown in the featured image. There, planet-circling zones and belts that dominate near the equator decay into a complex miasma of continent-sized storm swirls. Juno continues in its looping elliptical orbit, swooping near the huge planet every 53 days and exploring a slightly different sector each time around.


