2024年01月21日:1938年上密西根半岛的暴风雪-(The Upper Michigan Blizzard of 1938)--原图下载
Image Credit: Bill Brinkman; Courtesy: Paula Rocco
说明: 你见过的暴风雪威力有这么大吗?在1938年,上密西根半岛世纪暴风雪期间,有些积雪的高度几乎和电线桿等高。86年前的这场风暴,很意外的在头两天就降下将近1公尺深的新雪。当大雪纷飞时,强阵风接着把雪堆叠到难以想像的高度,不但造成许多道路难以通行,就连除雪也成了不可能的任务。于是,除了居民寸步难行之外,轿车、校车和火车都深陷白雪里。更惨的是,当时还发生了一场大火;万幸这场雪灾和火灾只造成2人丧生,不过,有些学生困在学校里达数天之久。上面这张主题影像,是当地的一位居民摄于暴风雪刚过之后。这些大雪最后都消融了,然而,在地球雪区这种规模的连续暴雪,则有助于形成永久的冰川。
Image Credit: Bill Brinkman; Courtesy: Paula Rocco
Explanation: Yes, but can your blizzard do this?In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's Storm of the Century in 1938, some snow drifts reached the level of utility poles.Nearly a meter of new and unexpected snow fell over two days in a storm that started 86 years ago this week. As snow fell and gale-force winds piled snow to surreal heights, many roads became not only impassable but unplowable; people became stranded, cars, school buses and a train became mired, and even a dangerous fire raged.Two people were killed and some students were forced to spend several consecutive days at school. The featured image was taken by a local resident soon after the storm.Although all of this snow eventually melted, repeated snow storms like this help build lasting glaciers in snowy regions of our planet Earth.