2017年11月27日:飓风季节的动画-(Hurricane Season Animated)

2017年11月27日:飓风季节的动画-(Hurricane Season Animated)

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2017年11月27日:飓风季节的动画-(Hurricane Season Animated)--原图下载

2017 November 27

Video Credit: M. R. Radcliff (USRA) et al., NASA's GSFC,SVS; Music: Elapsing Time by C. Telford & R. A. Navarro (ASCAP)
说明: 飓风都往那里移动呢?为深入了解危险的风暴系统,美国航太总署集结了数颗卫星的数据,建构出上面这部去年飓风季的超级电脑模拟影片。更具体的说,这部主题影片呈现了地球的西半球北部在2017年8月到10月之间,烟雾(白)、海盐(蓝)和尘埃(棕)的动向。因为这些气溶胶,是有时不可见风场的有用示蹤物。在各种迷人的流形之中,可见到涡旋状的飓风移过右侧的大西洋。其中有部分的飓风在侵袭岛屿和北美洲的沿岸地区后,才消散在北大西洋里。研究今年的天气形态,最快在明年就可能产生更精确的风暴预报


Video Credit: M. R. Radcliff (USRA) et al., NASA's GSFC,SVS; Music: Elapsing Time by C. Telford & R. A. Navarro (ASCAP)
Explanation: Where do hurricanes go? To better understand dangerous storms, NASA compiled data from several satellites into a supercomputer simulation of this past year's hurricane season.Specifically, the featured video shows how smoke (white), sea salt (blue), and dust (brown) tracked from 2017 August through October across the northern half of Earth's Western Hemisphere.These aerosols usefully trace sometimes invisible winds.In the midst of the many mesmerizing flows, hurricanes can be seen swirling across the Atlantic Ocean on the right.Some of these hurricanes lashed islands and coastal regions in North America before dissipating in the northern Atlantic.Studying this year's weather patterns may bolster more accurate storm forecasts as soon as next year.


