2017年11月25日:二侧地平线之间的景观-(Crossing Horizons)

2017年11月25日:二侧地平线之间的景观-(Crossing Horizons)

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2017年11月25日:二侧地平线之间的景观-(Crossing Horizons)
2017年11月25日:二侧地平线之间的景观-(Crossing Horizons)--原图下载

Image Credit &Copyright:Jean-FrancoisGraffand
说明: 跟随这幅引人讚叹、横跨二侧地平线的全景影像,就能见到日中峰天文台 (Pic du Midi observatory) 上方黝黑夜空里的景观。为了完成这个云海上方的天空之旅,19张摄于10月31日那晚长夜将尽之时的照片,使用麦卡托投影法加以组合,以让二侧的地平线保持平直。在影像的顶端,你会向东眺望上下颠倒的天文台1米望远镜之圆顶。接着顺着看似从圆顶伸出的银河系盘面,就能斜向另一侧的地平线。盘面右侧的天空中,则有分布在太阳系黄道面附近的明亮弥漫黄道光。黄道光、银河和银河里的星团及暗淡星云,穿过天顶然后向西方的气辉伸展,最后隐没在下端西方地平线附近的多个圆顶和高耸通信中断天线后方。


Image Credit &Copyright:Jean-FrancoisGraffand
Explanation: Follow this vertical panoramic view from horizon to horizon andyour gaze will sweep through the zenith of a dark night sky overPic du Midi mountaintop observatory.To make the journey above a sea of clouds,19 single exposures were taken near the endof night on October 31 and assembled in a mercator projectionthat renders the two horizons flat.Begin at the top and you're looking east toward the upsidedown dome ofthe observatory's 1 meter telescope.It's easy to follow the plane ofour Milky Way galaxy as itappears to emerge from the dome and angle down toward the far horizon.Just to its right, the sky holds a remarkable diffuse glow of zodiacallight along our Solar System's ecliptic plane.Zodiacal lightand Milky Way with star clusters, cosmic dust cloudsand faint nebulae, cross near the zenith.Both continue down toward the airglow in the west.They disappear near the western horizon at the bottom, beyondmore Pic du Midi observatory domes and a tall communications relay antenna.


