2017年07月18日: 比萨上空的雷月-(Thunder Moon over Pisa)

2017年07月18日: 比萨上空的雷月-(Thunder Moon over Pisa)

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2017年07月18日: 比萨上空的雷月-(Thunder Moon over Pisa)
2017年07月18日: 比萨上空的雷月-(Thunder Moon over Pisa)--原图下载

Image Credit & Copyright: Marco Meniero
说明: 这张照片有何不对劲之处呢?如果你想到了答案,或许就会知道照片是在何处拍摄的古怪之处在其中的建物之一,因为它是倾斜的。自从它在1173年开始建造后不久,比萨斜塔就成了标誌性的传奇建物。传说指称这座现今为联合国教科文组织世界遗址的斜塔,就是当年伽利略进行戏剧性引力原理展示、以证明不同质量的物体会以相同的速度下坠之斜塔。在上星期拍摄这幅照片时,右边的比萨斜塔和左边的比萨大教堂比萨洗礼堂之间,夹着一轮暱称为雷月的满月。借助于现代的分析,工程人员已成功稳住这座斜塔;如果没再出现其他意外的话,在接下来的200年期间,这座塔会维持在目前的倾斜度。


Image Credit & Copyright: Marco Meniero
Explanation: What's wrong with this picture? If you figure it out, you may then realize where the image was taken. The oddity lies actually in one of the buildings -- it leans.The Leaning Tower of Pisa has been an iconic legend since shortly after its construction began in the year 1173. Now part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, folklore holds that Galileo used the leaning tower to dramatically demonstrate the gravitational principle that objects of different mass fall the same. Between the Leaning Tower of Pisa on the right and Pisa Cathedral and the Pisa Baptistery on the left, a full "Thunder" moon was visible last week when the image composite was taken. Using modern analyses, the tower has been successfully stabilized and, barring the unexpected, should hold its present tilt for the next 200 years.


