2017年01月31日:该到何处去看美国日食-(Where to See the American Eclipse)

2017年01月31日:该到何处去看美国日食-(Where to See the American Eclipse)

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2017年01月31日:该到何处去看美国日食-(Where to See the American Eclipse)
2017年01月31日:该到何处去看美国日食-(Where to See the American Eclipse)--原图下载

Image Credit: Jay Anderson; Data: MODIS Satellite, NASA's GSFC
说明: 你计划去观赏8月21日的美国日食吗?在那天的日出后的数小时,在切过美国的一道狭窄路径上,可见到相对罕见的日全食。不在这个带状区内的人,则会看到日偏食。虽然有些美国人就住在全食带之内,但是,一定有更多人会规划开车前去这个带状区。不过观赏日月食,有时会受到云层干扰。所以为了增加视野清朗的机会,你不妨参考这幅主题图片,然后找个历史记录上常是蓝天的地点,以免全食阶段受到乌云的遮蔽。因为大部分的美国人拥有照相功能的智慧手机,这次的美国日食,可能会成为世界历史最广被拍摄的天文事件


Image Credit: Jay Anderson; Data: MODIS Satellite, NASA's GSFC
Explanation: Are you planning to see the American Eclipse on August 21?A few hours after sunrise, a rare total eclipse of the Sun will be visible along a narrow path across the USA.Those only near the path will see a partial eclipse. Although some Americans live right in path of totality, surely many more will be able to get there after a well-planned drive. One problem with eclipses, though, is that clouds sometimes get in the way. To increase your clear-viewing odds, you might consult the featured map and find a convenient destination with a historically low chance (more blue) of thick clouds overhead during totality.Given the large fraction of Americans carrying camera-equipped smartphones, this American Eclipse may turn out to be the most photographed event in the history of the world.


