2016年10月21日:山峰影子里的满月-(Full Moon in Mountain Shadow)

2016年10月21日:山峰影子里的满月-(Full Moon in Mountain Shadow)

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2016年10月21日:山峰影子里的满月-(Full Moon in Mountain Shadow)
2016年10月21日:山峰影子里的满月-(Full Moon in Mountain Shadow)--原图下载

Image Credit &Copyright:Greg Chavdarian
说明: 10月15日站在夏威夷的基亚山顶峰附近、背对壮丽的日落之时,拍到了这幅满月从火山影子里升起的瑰丽景观。而在这幅因太阳系天体对齐所产生的美丽影像,很矛盾地有满月看似沈浸在阴影里的景象。轮廓不规则的山峰却能投射出三角形的影子,其实很正常,因为这是投射在远方緻密大气里之山顶所产生的透视效应。在影像中,随着日落而往上升的对日点,很靠近位在山岳顶峰影子附近的透视消失点。此外,往对日点方向伸展的锥状地球影子,在月亮所在的距离只有数个月亮的宽度。而10月的满月离对日点和地球投射的影子皆有相当距离,并未形成食象、仍在反射阳光,让我们得以透过大气中的山峰影子见到它。


Image Credit &Copyright:Greg Chavdarian
Explanation: On October 15, standing near the summit of Hawaii'sMauna Keaand looking away from a gorgeous sunset produced thismagnificent snapshot of a Full Moon rising withinthe volcanic mountain's shadow.An alignment across theSolar System is captured in thestunning scene and seeming contradiction of bright Moon in dark shadow.The triangular appearance of ashadow castby a mountain's irregular profile is normal.It's created by the perspectiveof the distant mountaintop view through the dense atmosphere.Rising as the Sun sets, the antisolar point orthe point opposite the Sun is close to the perspective's vanishingpoint near the mountain shadow's peak.But extending in the antisolar direction, Earth's conical shadow isonly a few lunar diameterswide at the distance of the Moon.So October'sFull Hunters Moon is still reflecting sunlight,seen through the mountain's atmospheric shadow butfound too far from the antisolar point and the Earth's extended shadowto be eclipsed.


