Image Credit &Copyright: Yuri Beletsky(CarnegieLas Campanas Observatory,TWAN)
说明: 北半球1月的满月有"狼月"之称。在这片戏剧性的地球与月亮景观里,这轮新年度的第一个满月,从拉斯坎帕纳斯天文台后方升起。而前景天文台直径6.5米的麦哲伦望远镜,则像一对天文巨眼凝视着远方。这张照片是用长焦镜头摄于智利阿塔卡马沙漠的崎岖原野上,拍摄点离天文台约14公里远,与月球表面的距离约为384,000公里。此外,阴曆新年的第一个满月(亦称"雪月")将在2月24日东升。
Image Credit &Copyright: Yuri Beletsky(CarnegieLas Campanas Observatory,TWAN)
Explanation: A popular namefor January's full moon in the northern hemisphere isthe Full Wolf Moon.As the new year's first full moon, it rises over Las Campanas Observatoryin this dramaticEarth-and-moonscape.Peering from the foreground like astronomical eyes arethe observatory's twin 6.5 meter diameter Magellan telescopes.The snapshot was captured with telephoto lensacross rugged terrain in the Chilean Atacama Desert,taken at a distance of about 9 miles from the observatoryand about 240,000 miles fromthe lunar surface.Of course the first full moon of thelunar new year,known to some asthe Full Snow Moon, will rise on February 24.
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