2021年09月08日:仙女大星系方向的深空影像-(The Deep Sky Toward Andromeda)
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2024年02月11日:直指月亮的火箭烟尘影子-(Rocket Plume Shadow Points to the Moon)
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2017年11月29日:M42:猎户座大星云-(M42: The Great Orion Nebula)
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2017年08月06日:银河与炸裂的流星-(Milky Way and Exploding Meteor)
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Hubble Space Telescope
Milky Way Galaxy
2022年01月18日:从猎户座到南十字-(From Orion to the Southern Cross)
[2022年01月18日:从猎户座到南十字-(From Orion to the Southern Cross)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/2201/OrionCross_LucyH_7441.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2201/OrionCross_LucyH_1080_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2201/OrionCross_LucyH_1080.jpg';){mtitle title="从猎户座到南十字"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Lucy Yunxi Hu说明: 这片星空到处都是明亮的标誌性天体。在这张主题影像里,左缘附近有熟悉的猎户座,横亘在腰部排列成行的腰带三星为其标誌天体,其内更有着名的猎户大星云,而二者皆在巴纳德环之内。贴在影像中心左侧的天体,为地球夜空最明亮的天狼星。横贯过影像中心的拱弧,则是我们银河系的中央盘面。影像右上角有银河系最明亮的伴星系:大麦哲伦星系(LMC)及小麦哲伦星系(SMC)。此外,在影像右缘地平线的云层上方,还可见到拥有由4颗恒星组成的南十字标誌之十字架座。这幅主题影像,组合自同一部相机在澳洲相同地点于去年最后数天拍摄的18张照片。前景是邦博岬採石场,从其美丽的花岗岩柱之缝隙里,可以一窥浩瀚的太平洋。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="From Orion to the Southern Cross"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Lucy Yunxi HuExplanation: This is a sky filled with glowing icons.On the far left is the familiar constellation of Orion, divided by its iconic three-aligned belt stars and featuring the famous Orion Nebula, both partly encircled by Barnard's Loop.Just left of center in the featured image is the brightest star in the night: Sirius.Arching across the image center is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.On the far right, near the top, are the two brightest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way: the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC).Also on the far right -- just above the cloudy horizon -- is the constellation of Crux, complete with the four stars that make the iconic Southern Cross.The featured image is a composite of 18 consecutive exposures taken by the same camera and from the same location in eastern Australia during the last days of last year. In the foreground, picturesque basalt columns of the Bombo Quarry part to reveal the vast Pacific Ocean.
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2021年03月22日:从猎户座到御夫座-(From Auriga to Orion)
[2021年03月22日:从猎户座到御夫座-(From Auriga to Orion)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/2103/AroundOrion_Symon_2000.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2103/AroundOrion_Symon_1080_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2103/AroundOrion_Symon_1080.jpg';){mtitle title="从猎户座到御夫座"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Alistair Symon说明: 从猎户座到御夫座的天区有什么天体?如这幅总曝光时间超过430小时、由34张照片拼接而成的主题影像所示,可见到许多着名的恒星和星云。从左上角的御夫座方向开始,有美丽的烽火恒星云(IC 405)。然后顺着银河系明亮的银河弧,从左到右穿过双子座及金牛座,可见到蝌蚪星云、超新星遗迹Simeis 147、猴头星云、水母星云、锥状星云和和玫瑰(蔷薇)星云。在影像右上4分之1的猎户座方向,可见到Sh2-264星云、巴纳德环的半圆区、马头星云和猎户大星云。在猎户座内及周围的区域里,着名的恒星从左到右为影像中心之右的橙红的参宿四、其上方的泛蓝参宿五、腰带三星(参宿三、参宿二与参宿一),以及出现在右上角的泛蓝参宿七。这片的天区悬在天空的时间不会太长,而且随着时光来到年中,西沈的时间也会越来越早。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="From Auriga to Orion"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Alistair SymonExplanation: What's up in the sky from Auriga to Orion?Many of the famous stars and nebulas in this region were captured on 34 separate images, taking over 430 hours of exposure, and digitally combined to reveal the featured image.Starting on the far upper left, toward the constellation of Auriga (the Chariot driver), is the picturesque Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405). Continuing down along the bright arc of our Milky Way Galaxy, from left to right crossing the constellations of the Twins and the Bull, notable appearing nebulas include the Tadpole, Simeis 147, Monkey Head, Jellyfish, Cone and Rosette nebulas. In the upper right quadrant of the image, toward the constellation of Orion (the hunter), you can see Sh2-264, the half-circle of Barnard's Loop, and the Horsehead and Orion nebulas.Famous stars in and around Orion include, from left to right, orange Betelgeuse (just right of the image center), blue Bellatrix (just above it), the Orion belt stars of Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak, while bright Rigel appears on the far upper right.This stretch of sky won't be remaining up in the night very long -- it will be setting continually earlier in the evening as mid-year approaches.
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2020年10月04日:氧、氢和硫等原子发光波段的猎户大星云-(Orion Nebula in Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Sulfur)
2020年10月04日:氧、氢和硫等原子发光波段的猎户大星云-(Orion Nebula in Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Sulfur)--原图下载{mtitle title="氧、氢和硫等原子发光波段的猎户大星云"/}Image Credit & Copyright: César Blanco González说明: 鲜少有天文景观,能像着名的猎户座星云这个邻近的恒星育婴室,这么善于激发着人们的想像。这个星云的辉光云气,环拱着座落在一个庞大星际分子云里的炽热年轻恒星。而在这幅主题影像里的许多丝状云气结构,其上是激波前沿,在该处,高速移动的物质撞击慢速移动的气体。跨幅约40光年、距离约1,500光年的猎户座大星云,和太阳都位在银河系的同一旋臂上。座落在着名猎户座腰带三星左下方、轻易可辨的猎户座大星云,是个肉眼可见天体。上面这幅主题照片,呈现猎户星云在氢、氧与硫原子气体个发光波段 的面貌。包括 马头星云在内的整个猎户星云複合体,在接下来的100,000年之内,会慢慢的消散匿迹。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="Orion Nebula in Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Sulfur"/}Image Credit & Copyright: César Blanco GonzálezExplanation: Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula. The Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot young stars at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud. Many of the filamentary structures visible in the featured image are actually shock waves - fronts where fast moving material encounters slow moving gas. The Orion Nebula spans about 40 light years and is located about 1500 light years away in the same spiral arm of our Galaxy as the Sun. The Great Nebula in Orion can be found with the unaided eye just below and to the left of the easily identifiable belt of three stars in the popular constellation Orion. The image shows the nebula in three colors specifically emitted by hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur gas. The whole Orion Nebula cloud complex, which includes the Horsehead Nebula, will slowly disperse over the next 100,000 years.
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2019年06月05日:猎户座的星际云-(The Interstellar Clouds of Orion)
[2019年06月05日:猎户座的星际云-(The Interstellar Clouds of Orion)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1906/OrionDeep_Klinger_3181.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/1906/OrionDeep_Klinger_960_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/1906/OrionDeep_Klinger_960.jpg';){mtitle title="猎户座的星际云"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew Klinger说明: 猎户座的天体其实远多于腰带三星。因为这个方向的天空,密布着美丽的星云。为了要欣赏这片着名的天空,摄影者在今年一到三月的数个清朗夜晚,拍摄了一幅长曝光的影像。经过23小时的相机曝光和费时难以计数的影像处理之后,成果是这幅由氢、氧和硫 的辐射光所构成,宽度超过40个满月 张角的集锦主题影像。在影像诸多可见的有趣天体之中,里头特别吸睛的,是影像中右方红橙色的明亮弧状巴纳德圈。不过,影像中左方的庞大橙色星云,并非玫瑰星云,而是较大但声名较不显,名为觜宿一环的星云。玫瑰星云其实是那团位在影像下方附近,拥有明亮橙、蓝和白色泽的星云。此外,影像中左下方的橙色亮星是参宿四,影像右上角的泛蓝亮星则是参宿七。在这幅热闹的影像里,构成猎人腰带的着名腰带三星,其实有些难以辨认,然而眼光敏锐的人不难在影像中右方找到它们。(Meissa Ring 觜宿一环){lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="The Interstellar Clouds of Orion"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew KlingerExplanation: The constellation of Orion is much more than three stars in a row.It is a direction in space that is rich with impressive nebulas.To better appreciate this well-known swath of sky, a new long exposure image was taken over several clear nights in January, February and March.After 23 hours of camera time and untold hours of image processing, the featured collage in the light ofhydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur was produced spanning over 40 times the angular diameter of the Moon. Of the many interesting details that have become visible, one that particularly draws the eye is Barnard's Loop, the bright red orange arc just to the right of the image center. The Rosette Nebula is not the giant orange nebula just to the left of the image center -- that is larger but lesser known nebula known as the Meissa Ring. The Rosette Nebula is visible, though: it is the bright orange, blue and white nebula near the image bottom. The bright orange star just left of the frame center is Betelgeuse, while the bright blue star on the upper right is Rigel.About those famous three stars that cross the belt of Orion the Hunter -- in this busy frame they can be hard to locate, but a discerning eye will find them just to the right of the image center.
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2017年11月29日:M42:猎户座大星云-(M42: The Great Orion Nebula)
2017年11月29日:M42:猎户座大星云-(M42: The Great Orion Nebula)--原图下载{mtitle title="M42:猎户座大星云"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Francesco Battistella说明: 鲜少有天文景观能像着名的猎户座星云,这个邻近的恒星育婴室这么善于激发着人们的想像。这个星云的辉光云气,环拱着位在一个庞大星际分子云里的炽热年轻恒星。而在这幅主题影像里的许多丝状云气结构,事实上是激波前沿,在该处,高速移动的物质遇到慢速移动的气体。跨幅约40光年、距离约1,500光年的猎户座大星云,和太阳都位在银河系的同一道旋臂上。座落在着名猎户座内、轻易可辨的腰带三星左下方之猎户座大星云,是个肉眼可见天体。上面这幅主题照片,是在上个月使用2小时长曝光拍摄的三色影像。包括马头星云在内的整个猎户座星云複合体,在接下来的100,000年之内,会慢慢的散开来。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="M42: The Great Orion Nebula"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Francesco BattistellaExplanation: Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula. The Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot young stars at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud. Many of the filamentary structures visible in the featured image are actually shock waves - fronts where fast moving material encounters slow moving gas. The Orion Nebula spans about 40 light years and is located about 1500 light years away in the same spiral arm of our Galaxy as the Sun. The Great Nebula in Orion can be found with the unaided eye just below and to the left of the easily identifiable belt of three stars in the popular constellation Orion. The featured image, taken last month, shows a two-hour exposure of the nebula in three colors.The whole Orion Nebula cloud complex, which includes the Horsehead Nebula, will slowly disperse over the next 100,000 years.
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2017年09月18日:复活岛上空的猎户座-(Orion above Easter Island)
[2017年09月18日:复活岛上空的猎户座-(Orion above Easter Island)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1709/EasterIslandOrion_Beletsky_950.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/1709/EasterIslandOrion_Beletsky_950_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/1709/EasterIslandOrion_Beletsky_950.jpg';){mtitle title="复活岛上空的猎户座"/}Image Credit &Copyright: Yuri Beletsky(CarnegieLas Campanas Observatory,TWAN)说明: 为何在复活岛上建造这些雕像呢?没人能说个准;唯一能确定的是,岛上有超过800座巨石像。这些复活岛雕像的平均高度超过2个成人,重量则是超过200位成人的体重。这些不寻常石像的特定历史和意义,几乎完全不明,不过许多人相信它们大约建造于700年前,是一个失落文明当地领导者的雕像。在上面这幅摄于2016年的主题影像里,其中一座古老摩埃石像出现在猎户座的前方,清楚可见的包括着名的腰带三星和明亮的参宿四(左侧泛红的恒星)与参宿七(中上方)。然而,这座巨石像看似在检视夜空右缘最明亮的天狼星。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="Orion above Easter Island"/}Image Credit &Copyright: Yuri Beletsky(CarnegieLas Campanas Observatory,TWAN)Explanation: Why were the statues onEaster Island built?No one is sure. What is sure is that over 800 large stone statues exist there. The Easter Island statues, stand, on the average, overtwice as tall as a person and have over 200 times as much mass. Few specifics are known about the history or meaning of theunusual rock sculptures,but many believe that they were created about 700 years ago in theimagesof local leaders of a lost civilization. Featured here, one of the ancient Moai sculptures was imaged in 2016 before the constellation of Orion, including the famous line of three belt stars and brilliant stars Betelgeuse (far left in red) and Rigel (upper center).The stone giant appears, however, to be inspecting the brightest star in the night sky (far right):Sirius.
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