2021年09月08日:仙女大星系方向的深空影像-(The Deep Sky Toward Andromeda)
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2024年02月11日:直指月亮的火箭烟尘影子-(Rocket Plume Shadow Points to the Moon)
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2017年11月29日:M42:猎户座大星云-(M42: The Great Orion Nebula)
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2017年08月06日:银河与炸裂的流星-(Milky Way and Exploding Meteor)
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Hubble Space Telescope
Milky Way Galaxy
2024年05月24日:M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope-(M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope)
2024年05月24日:M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope-(M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope)--原图下载{mtitle title="M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope"/}Image Credit & License: ESA, Euclid, Euclid Consortium, NASA; Processing: J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. AnselmiExplanation: Star formation can be messy.To help find out just how messy, ESA's new Sun-orbiting Euclid telescope recently captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star forming region M78.Near the image center, M78 lies at a distance of only about 1,300 light-years away and has a main glowing core that spans about 5 light-years. The featured image was taken in both visible and infrared light.The purple tint in M78's center is caused by dark dust preferentially reflecting the blue light of hot, young stars. Complex dust lanes and filaments can be traced through this gorgeous and revealing skyscape.On the upper left is associated star forming region NGC 2071, while a third region of star formation is visible on the lower right. These nebulas are all part of the vast Orion Molecular Cloud Complex which can be found with even a small telescope just north of Orion's belt.{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope"/}Image Credit & License: ESA, Euclid, Euclid Consortium, NASA; Processing: J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. AnselmiExplanation: Star formation can be messy.To help find out just how messy, ESA's new Sun-orbiting Euclid telescope recently captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star forming region M78.Near the image center, M78 lies at a distance of only about 1,300 light-years away and has a main glowing core that spans about 5 light-years. The featured image was taken in both visible and infrared light.The purple tint in M78's center is caused by dark dust preferentially reflecting the blue light of hot, young stars. Complex dust lanes and filaments can be traced through this gorgeous and revealing skyscape.On the upper left is associated star forming region NGC 2071, while a third region of star formation is visible on the lower right. These nebulas are all part of the vast Orion Molecular Cloud Complex which can be found with even a small telescope just north of Orion's belt.
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2024年01月21日:1938年上密西根半岛的暴风雪-(The Upper Michigan Blizzard of 1938)
2024年01月21日:1938年上密西根半岛的暴风雪-(The Upper Michigan Blizzard of 1938)--原图下载{mtitle title="1938年上密西根半岛的暴风雪"/}Image Credit: Bill Brinkman; Courtesy: Paula Rocco说明: 你见过的暴风雪威力有这么大吗?在1938年,上密西根半岛世纪暴风雪期间,有些积雪的高度几乎和电线桿等高。86年前的这场风暴,很意外的在头两天就降下将近1公尺深的新雪。当大雪纷飞时,强阵风接着把雪堆叠到难以想像的高度,不但造成许多道路难以通行,就连除雪也成了不可能的任务。于是,除了居民寸步难行之外,轿车、校车和火车都深陷白雪里。更惨的是,当时还发生了一场大火;万幸这场雪灾和火灾只造成2人丧生,不过,有些学生困在学校里达数天之久。上面这张主题影像,是当地的一位居民摄于暴风雪刚过之后。这些大雪最后都消融了,然而,在地球雪区这种规模的连续暴雪,则有助于形成永久的冰川。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="The Upper Michigan Blizzard of 1938"/}Image Credit: Bill Brinkman; Courtesy: Paula RoccoExplanation: Yes, but can your blizzard do this?In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's Storm of the Century in 1938, some snow drifts reached the level of utility poles.Nearly a meter of new and unexpected snow fell over two days in a storm that started 86 years ago this week. As snow fell and gale-force winds piled snow to surreal heights, many roads became not only impassable but unplowable; people became stranded, cars, school buses and a train became mired, and even a dangerous fire raged.Two people were killed and some students were forced to spend several consecutive days at school. The featured image was taken by a local resident soon after the storm.Although all of this snow eventually melted, repeated snow storms like this help build lasting glaciers in snowy regions of our planet Earth.
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2023年12月19日:NGC 1499:加州星云-(NGC 1499: The California Nebula)
2023年12月19日:NGC 1499:加州星云-(NGC 1499: The California Nebula)--原图下载{mtitle title="NGC 1499:加州星云"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Steven Powell说明: 太空中难道真的有卡拉菲亚女王的神话岛屿吗?或许没有,不过这团分子云的轮廓,倒真的形似美国的加州。而我们位在银河猎户臂里的太阳,离加州星云大约只有1,000光年远。亦名为NGC 1499的这团经典发射星云,长度约有100光年。在这幅主题影像里,加州星云最醒目的泛红色泽,来自氢原子被高能星光电离后后,氢离子和失去的电子复合时所发出的特徵红光。而发出高能星光 电离大部分云气的恒星,极可能是位于星云右侧的明亮炽热色泽泛蓝的卷舌三(英仙座Xi星)。经常是天文摄影者拍照目标的加州星云,在幽暗的天空下,用大视野望远镜即可在英仙座方向离昴宿星团不远处找到它。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="NGC 1499: The California Nebula"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Steven PowellExplanation: Could Queen Calafia's mythical island exist in space?Perhaps not, but by chance the outline of this molecular space cloud echoes the outline of the state of California, USA.Our Sun has its home within the Milky Way'sOrionArm, only about 1,000 light-years from the California Nebula.Also known as NGC 1499, the classic emission nebula is around 100 light-years long.On the featured image, the most prominent glow of the California Nebula is the red light characteristic of hydrogen atoms recombining with longlost electrons, stripped away (ionized) by energetic starlight.The star most likely providing the energetic starlight that ionizes much of the nebular gas is the bright, hot, bluish Xi Perseijust to the right of the nebula. A regular target for astrophotographers, the California Nebula can be spotted with a wide-field telescope under a dark skytoward the constellation of Perseus, not far from the Pleiades.
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2023年12月10日:金字塔山上空的北斗七星-(Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain)
[2023年12月10日:金字塔山上空的北斗七星-(Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/2312/BigDipperMt2_Cullen_1365.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2312/BigDipperMt2_Cullen_960_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2312/BigDipperMt2_Cullen_960.jpg';){mtitle title="金字塔山上空的北斗七星"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Steve Cullen说明: 你是何时学会如何辨识这个星官的?虽然它们是世界各地都很熟悉的一群恒星,不过,不同文化的人赋予它们不同的意象和传说。在美国,它们称为大勺子,是国际天文联盟在1922年划定的大熊座之一部分。其成员的星名,由左到右分别是摇光、开阳、玉衡、天权、天玑、天璇和天枢。当然,对某个星座而言,其成员未必有物理上的关联性。不过很意外的是,北斗七星大部分的成员在空间的运动,看似都朝同一个方向移动,而附近更大区域里的其他恒星,移动的方向也很相近。这个测定共同运动的特徵,指出它们可能都是平均约75光年远、宽30光年,名为大熊移动群这个邻近星团的成员。这张主题影像,呈现了悬在加拿大 亚伯达省金字塔山上空的这群标誌性恒星。(Alkaid 摇光、 Mizar/Alcor 开阳、 Alioth 玉衡、 Megrez 天权、Phecda 天玑、Merak 天璇、Dubhe 天枢){lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Steve CullenExplanation: When did you first learn to identify this group of stars?Although they are familiar to many people around the world, different cultures have associated this asterism with different icons and folklore.Known in the USA as the Big Dipper, the stars are part of a constellation designated by the International Astronomical Union in 1922 as the Great Bear (Ursa Major). The recognized star names of these stars are (left to right) Alkaid, Mizar/Alcor, Alioth, Megrez, Phecda, Merak, and Dubhe. Of course, stars in any givenconstellationare unlikely to be physicallyrelated.But surprisingly, most of the Big Dipper stars do seem tobe headed in the same direction as theyplough throughspace, a property they share with other stars spread outover an even larger area across the sky. Theirmeasured common motion suggests that they all belongto a loose, nearbystar cluster, thought tobe on average only about 75 light-years away and up to 30 light-years across.The cluster is more properly known as theUrsa MajorMoving Group.The featured image captured the iconic stars in 2017 above Pyramid Mountain in Alberta, Canada.
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2023年11月14日:三行星伴石峰-(Three Planets Rock)
[2023年11月14日:三行星伴石峰-(Three Planets Rock)--原图下载](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/2311/MoonVenusJupiter_Passalacqua_960.jpg"onMouseOver="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2311/MoonVenusJupiter_Passalacqua_960_annotated.jpg';"onMouseOut="if (document.images)document.imagename1.src='image/2311/MoonVenusJupiter_Passalacqua_960.jpg';){mtitle title="三行星伴石峰"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Giovanni Passalacqua;Text: Liz Coelho (Pikes Peak)说明: 在黎明前渐褪的黑暗中,一个倾斜的天体三角看似架在西西里岛南端的石峰上。组成这个天体三角的是地球天空中最明亮的4个天体之3:木星、金星和月亮。虽然残月是一抺纤细的银白,但在地照光的照耀下,月亮大部分的月盘皆历历可辨。于2022年4月27日拍下这幅影像时,金星(中)和木星(左)相距大约3度,并即将发生近合。金星和木星的近合大约每年发生一次,可见诸日出前的东方或日落后的西方天空。这幅主题影像,摄于太阳这颗地球天空中最明亮的天体来临前大约1小时。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="Three Planets Rock"/}Image Credit & Copyright: Giovanni Passalacqua;Text: Liz Coelho (Pikes Peak)Explanation: In the fading darkness before dawn, a tilted triangle appeared to balance atop a rock formation off the southern tip of Sicily. Making up the points of the triangle are three of the four brightest objects visible in Earth’s sky: Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. Though a thin waning crescent, most of the moon’s disk is visible due to earthshine. Captured in this image on 2022 April 27, Venus (center) and Jupiter (left) are roughly three degrees apart -- and were headed toward a close conjunction. Conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter occur about once a year and are visible either in the east before sunrise or in the west after sunset. The featured image was taken about an hour before the arrival of the brightest object in Earth’s sky – the Sun.
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2023年10月06日:哈伯发现宇宙-(Edwin Hubble Discovers the Universe)
2023年10月06日:哈伯发现宇宙-(Edwin Hubble Discovers the Universe)--原图下载{mtitle title="哈伯发现宇宙"/}Image Credit & Copyright: CourtesyCarnegie Institution for Science说明: 我们的宇宙有多大?在攸关宇宙的诸多问题之中,这个疑问是1920年代二位大天文学家争辩的焦点,而如今我们称此次论战为天文大辩论。当时的许多天文学家认为,我们的银河系就是整个宇宙。而其他人则相信,我们的银河系只是众多的星系之一。在那次的大辩论里,双方各自细数其观点,但终究未能获得共识。不过3年后,一颗在“仙女大星云”内侦测到的变星提供了答案,上图是记录这项数据的玻璃负片之数位複製。当时哈伯比较不同时间点拍摄的影像,发现这个亮点的亮度有变化,因此他于1923年10月6日在底板上注记了个变(VAR)字。哈伯当下就知道最合理的解释是:这个亮点是遥远变星的影像。也因此,“仙女大星云”其实是仙女大星系,一个位阶和我们银河系相当的天体。这张在100年前加了注记的主题影像,其实并不出采,不过上头记录的变星,为人类打开一扇窗,而我们从此知道,我们所见到的宇宙出乎预料的庞大。{lamp/}原文:{mtitle title="Edwin Hubble Discovers the Universe"/}Image Credit & Copyright: CourtesyCarnegie Institution for ScienceExplanation: How big is our universe?This question, among others, was debated by two leading astronomers in 1920 in what has sincebecome known as astronomy'sGreat Debate. Many astronomers then believed that our Milky Way Galaxy was the entire universe. Many others, though, believed that our galaxy was just one of many. In the Great Debate, each argument was detailed, but no consensus was reached. The answer came over three years later with the detected variation of single spot in the Andromeda Nebula, as shown on the original glass discovery plate digitally reproduced here.When EdwinHubble compared images, he noticed that thisspot varied, and on October 6, 1923wrote "VAR!" on the plate. The best explanation, Hubble knew, was that this spot was the image of a variable star that was very far away.So M31 was really the Andromeda Galaxy -- a galaxy possibly similar to our own. Annotated 100 years ago, the featured image may not be pretty, but the variable spot on it opened a windowthrough which humanity gazed knowingly, for the first time, into a surprisingly vast cosmos.
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