2019年04月09日:月掩土星-(Moon Occults Saturn)

2019年04月09日:月掩土星-(Moon Occults Saturn)

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2019年04月09日:月掩土星-(Moon Occults Saturn)
2019年04月09日:月掩土星-(Moon Occults Saturn)--原图下载

Image Credit & Copyright: Cory Schmitz
说明: 土星偶而会消失匿迹。然而它不是真的不见了,只是月亮移到它前方,暂时遮住它而且。不过发生在上个月底的月掩土星事件,只有在巴西斯里兰卡狭长区域才得见。上面这幅彩色主题影像,数位融合了在红、绿和蓝等波段拍摄的事件里最清晰的影格,以及分别拍摄的土星和相对明亮的月盘。这些影像摄于南非,时值月掩土星发生及日出之前。当土星将近2小时后,复现月亮的另一侧之时,旭日早已东升。在今年,月土星几乎每个都会发生,较令人惋惜的是,只有位在特定区域和拥有清朗天空的幸运儿才得见。


Image Credit & Copyright: Cory Schmitz
Explanation: Sometimes Saturn disappears.It doesn't really go away, though, it just disappears from view when our Moon moves in front. Such a Saturnian eclipse was visible along a small swath of Earth -- from Brazil to Sri Lanka -- near the end of last month.The featured color image is a digital fusion of the clearest images captured by successive videos of the event taken in red, green, and blue, and taken separately for Saturn and the comparative bright Moon. The exposures were taken from South Africa just before occultation -- and also just before sunrise.When Saturn re-appeared on the other side of the Moon almost two hours later, the Sun had risen.This year, eclipses of Saturn by the Moon occur almost monthly, but, unfortunately, are visible only to those with the right location and with clear and dark skies.


