2016年08月24日:好奇号造访火星的穆雷孤峰群-(Curiosity at Murray Buttes on Mars)

2016年08月24日:好奇号造访火星的穆雷孤峰群-(Curiosity at Murray Buttes on Mars)

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2016年08月24日:好奇号造访火星的穆雷孤峰群-(Curiosity at Murray Buttes on Mars)
2016年08月24日:好奇号造访火星的穆雷孤峰群-(Curiosity at Murray Buttes on Mars)--原图下载

Image Credit: NASA,JPL-Caltech,MSSS
说明: 火星上这些不寻常的突块是什么?美国航太总署好奇号火星车持续横越火星,它现在逐渐接近穆雷孤峰群。而在上面这幅水平经过压缩、这个月摄于盖尔撞击坑内的360度环景影像里,位在前方的数座15公尺孤峰清楚可见。这些火星孤峰咸信和地球孤峰类似,顶部覆盖着緻密的岩石,所以较能抵挡侵蚀。位在影像中的好奇号机械臂和机械手,则用来近距离检视岩石、钻探岩石和收集样本。好奇号在火星上刚欢渡4周年庆,而且最近接获批准将在接下来的2年中进一步探索夏普山的边坡;这座山峰则是位在影像左缘远处的淡色构造。


Image Credit: NASA,JPL-Caltech,MSSS
Explanation: What are these unusual lumps on Mars? As NASA's robotic Curiosity rover continues rolling across Mars, it is now approaching Murray Buttes.Several of the 15-meter high buttes are visible ahead in this horizontally compressed 360-degree across image taken inside Gale Crater earlier this month. The buttes are thought similar to Earth buttes in that they are capped with dense rock that is relatively resistant to erosion.In the image center is Curiosity's "arm" and "hand" used to examine rocks up close, drill into rocks, and collect samples. Curiosity has reached its four year anniversary on Mars and has been cleared to spend the next two years further exploring the slopes of Mount Sharp, the peak of which is the distant light-colored structure visible on the far left.


