2018年04月06日:船底座的NGC 3324-(NGC 3324 in Carina)

2018年04月06日:船底座的NGC 3324-(NGC 3324 in Carina)

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2018年04月06日:船底座的NGC 3324-(NGC 3324 in Carina)
2018年04月06日:船底座的NGC 3324-(NGC 3324 in Carina)--原图下载

Image Credit &Copyright: Martin Pugh
说明: 这朵明亮的宇宙云,是由疏散星团NGC 3324的炽热年轻亮星发出之恒星风和辐射雕塑而成。在星云遍布的船底座方向约7,500光年远处的这团星云,内部的尘埃云在辉光原子气体的衬托下以剪影之姿现身,而口袋状的恒星形成区则宽达35光年。这幅由窄波段数据组合成的望远镜影像,纪录了来自电离硫、氢和氧等原子的特徵辐射,并依着名的哈伯色表分别以红、绿和蓝等色泽来上色。对有些人来说,在这片星野右侧和低温不透光尘埃接壤的明亮辐射脊,形成拟似人脸的轮廓。这个区域亦名为加夫列拉.米斯特拉尔星云(Gabriela Mistral Nebula),以智利获得诺贝尔奖的诗人为名。


Image Credit &Copyright: Martin Pugh
Explanation: Thisbright cosmic cloudwas sculpted by stellarwinds and radiation from the hot young starsof open cluster NGC 3324.With dust clouds in silhouette against its glowing atomic gas, thepocket-shapedstar-forming region actually spans about 35 light-years.It lies some 7,500 light-years away toward the nebula richsouthern constellationCarina.A composite of narrowband image data, the telescopic viewcaptures the characteristic emission from ionized sulfur, hydrogen,and oxygen atoms mapped to red, green, and blue hues in thepopular Hubble Palette.For some, the celestial landscape of bright ridges ofemission bordered by cool, obscuringdust alongthe right side create a recognizable face in profile.The region's popular name is theGabrielaMistral Nebula for the Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet.


